Low glycemic index (GI) and will result in slower rise in blood sugar after a meal as compared to normal white rice.
Lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels, type 2 DM risk, heart disease risk and control weight.
Improvements in glucose tolerance and insulin response (Diabetes)
Increased satiety and hence helps in weight management
Reduction of hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and other coronary heart disease risk factors
Reduction in the risk of developing certain cancers
Improvements in gastrointestinal health (Diverticular disease, Hemorrhoids, Irritable bowel syndrome)
Helps prevent constipation
Promotes growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer
Helps in living a longer life as it detoxifies your body continuously
Promotes better mineral absorption thereby helps in having stronger bones, better brain function and in acquiring better immunity and defence against diseases.
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